Brenda Habshush- Shalom, I stayed in Kfar Blum for three months 1959-1960 whilst participating in The Machon lemadrichei chul. Its forty years ago and I still say that the experience influenced my future as a chaverat kibbutz. Shalom to Etya, Lila and Shalom. - Brenda Habshush, Kibbutz Sde Boker (formerly Beth HaEmeck) brentsi@sde-boker.org.il
David West February, 2000 to May, 2000 davewestplease@yahoo.com
Bruce Kelner - I live in
Chicago. I stayed on Kfar Blum from September 1975 - June
1976. I worked in the reffet.my friend Terry and I came there
to stay two months. he had to leave but I stayed for one of
the best times of my life. my great friends were Mervyn from
South Africa, Richard from Reims, France, his cousin Serge
from Kfar Blum, and bina porrot from there and so many others.
my e-mail is
hope to hear from someone soon. thanks! Bruce.
[ Mervyn: If your still there this is
Bruce from Chicago. We were great friends in 1974 1975.if your
still there please e-mail me. Bruce. if anyone knows who i am
please e- mail me. bruce kelner chicago. i worked in the
reffet with niko dubi mervyn schlomo bina.thanks]
Mark Loudon - Volunteer from 1987 to 1988 - London, England markloudon@orionmm.co.uk
Eva Mandos, Holland,
e.mandos@rvbh.nl I was a volunteer on Kfar Blum at
various times in the 1980's and also visited the kibbutz
several times in the 1990's.
Paula Gotfried (now Kerr). I was a volunteer twice at
Kfar Blum. I was there from
July 79 until late Aug 79 and returned for the
summer of 1980. I was originally from Winnipeg, Manitoba
but am now living in Ottawa, Ontario. I can be reached at
I would LOVE to connect with some ex-Kfar Blum'ers. I have
some fabulous memories of my time there
Jacqui Goodman from New Zealand worked in the Hotel Jan 1995 - May 1995 Jacqui_Goodman@amp.com.au
Donna Dawson I was there 1973ish DonnaSue10@aol.com
RICHARD SANDLER RickSand@webtv.net 1980 & 1982 - Hi, I was a volunteer on Kibbutz Kfar Blum. Had a great time. I really didnt want to leave but I had a job , in New York, to return to. That was in 1980. In 1982 I returned but not as an official volunteer...just as a frequent visiter. Anyone hear from Steven Schlossberg...from Cleveland, Ohio? Steven was a family member who was in charge of the volunteers.
Change of email - New Email for STEVEN BESTER: stevenb@hardy.owlco.co.za
Louisa Garratt from Scotland. I was there 10/1994 - 12/1994. loubylou07@yahoo.com
August - Marsha Coleman - I was volunteer on Kfar Blum from July 1972 to September 1973. Have extremely fond memories of that time. I lived in California for 17 years and now live in Washington, D.C. Recently connected with Alan Isaacs, one of my good friends from KB, and we had a great reunion lunch. Hello and a big hug to Ruthie HaMalka and her sisters Gina and Yael -- my kibbutz family. Also, I believe Ronda Aaronson who was a volunteer with me (next shack over) still lives there. I'd love to hear from anyone who remembers me. mcoleman@nyse.com Thanks for the great website!
Judy Cherney (found under 1980’s) new address: jcherney@attbi.com
Lois (Levy) Ostrov--Habonim workshop 1955-56, Just happened to bump into this web site. Wonder where everybody from those years is today? The memories are still vibrant. LOstrov123@aol.com
JULY 2002
July - Hi, I'm Alex (Alessandra Daidone) from
Brazil and I was in Kfar Blum from March 93 to June 93 -
July - email change - Leo Konigs: New one. eo.konigs@tiscali.nl
July - Anna-Theresa Bark from Sweden. Volunteer 1995 -e-mail tommy.bagari@swipnet.se
July 26 - Fred White. I volunteered in the kitchen and the orchards (mainly repairing crates and stacking them with a forklift) at Kfar Blum from May-July of 1996. Great memories! I still live in Baltimore, Maryland, USA, where I am from and can be reached at fwhiteiv@hotmail.com.
JUNE 2002
June 5: Paul Daniels - Hi, I was a volunteer off and on from 1978-1980.......I have such fond memories of the kibbutz.....I remember Yehuda Shagam, Kenny Gal,Sam from Boston, Yossi Roch and his family, Avner and his wife, Gabi, and Dov and many other wonderful folks.....I worked in the Mata with Avner, Sam and Kenny......My brother Ralph Daniels played basketball with Hapoel Hafia and Galil Alyon for about 8 years in the 70's and 80's, he lived on Kibbutz Kfar Giladi when he played with Galil Alyon.......I live in Atlanta,Georgia now as does my brother......I am married and have a wonderful wife named Linda......I remember the head of the volunteers when I was there was a gentleman from Holland, but I sorry to say I can't remember his name. Every Shabbat I used walk or hitchhike up to Tel Dan, Baniyas, Masada, Migdal Shams, the whole area up there all the way to Neve Ativ, what wonderful memories I have of how beautiful it was and all the nice people I met on my trips around the area.........I saw on your website about the death of Yehuda Shagam......I am so sorry to hear of his passing....he was a wondeful person and so very good to me......I have had many a cup of tea and "biscuit" with him and his wife.....I know he will be sorely missed.Hope to hear from back from you.........I think the website you have setup is a great idea...Paul Daniels sinai@mindspring.com
June 5 Hi all, my name's Andrew McLaughlin, and I had the Kfar Blum experience way back in 1992. It was the best time of my life (despite the fact I was stuck in the kitchen)! I took my video camera, and still have the video!: aamclaug@ucalgary.ca
June 4: Geert-Jan (john) Patje I was a volunteer on this kibbutz in 1985 from Feb till May , my name is Geert-Jan (john) Patje from Holland and came to this kibbuts with 2 college mates Peter Luppes, and Folkert Koopstra. I remember working in the sprinkler factory and teach windsurfing some afternoons at the fish ponds. And having partys in the Boogy room on friday's. Now I have been living in Australia for the last 14 years. Remember the good times. Regards Geeert- : patjej@froggy.com.au (patjej)
June 4:
Hi there, My name is Theo Wit. I was a
volunteer and ulpan student in Kfar Blum from January until
September 1976.
witheo@bigpond.com Our Ulpan teacher's name
was Rivka. The volunteer manager was Reuven. I
worked in the cowshed which I enjoyed immensely milking about
200 head. The manager there was Nico. Then I
remember a sabra by the name of Bina. Then there were
kibbutzniks Doobie and Avi and Shlomo who was Arab I
think. I roomed with Umberto from South America and I
befriended Matti and Tarja Jalava from Helsinki Finland.
I also remember Lillian who once swam for Sweden in the
Olympics. She came every year to work in the Guest
House. My kibbutz parents were Sarah and Shaul
originally from England. I eventually stayed in Israel
until October 1977 on various settlements including Nachshon
near Jerusalem, Hama'apil near Hadera and Ir Ovot in the Arava
desert in Sinai. That was a very small moshav run by a
renegade messianist Jew by the name of Sandy Pearlmutter from
Miami who had two wives. He and his followers were being
supported and fed by the army. I left Israel in October
1977 for Holland returning to Israel in August 1978. I
visited Kfar Blum in December 1978 but I did not stay there as
a volunteer again, much to my regret. I met my wife in
Nachshon. We married in Germany and have now lived in
Australia for 22 years. We have three adult sons.
I'm looking forward to hearing from anyone to whom the above
means anything. Cheers. Theo.
MAY 2002
May 30: My name is Cynthia Carey. I was on Kfar Blum for 3 months during 1992. I am from Adelaide, Australia. My email address is: cgriffiths@burnside.sa.gov.au If anyone knows the whereabouts of Fiona Gallagher, from Sydney, Australia who was there at the same time, please let me know. Others at the kibbutz during my stay included - Ken Hargreaves, Steve Westwood, Darren Reid, Sir Richard, mad Alex, Mel, Rebecca Vos.
May 27: Hi! My name is Tuija Tuominen and I come from Finland. I was a volunteer at Kfar Blum between October 1978 and April 1979. I would like to hear from others who were there at the same time. tuija.tuominen@alfa.telenordia.se
May 23 -
Hi, My name is Renee Thompson. I was on the
Kibbutz Kfar Blum from 11/1999-1/2000. I am from Sydney,
Australia. My email address is
Also, my best friend is Sarah Darmody who
was on the Kibbutz Kfar Blum from 11/99- 1/2000. She is also
from Sydney Australia and can be emailed at
sarahdarmodyx1@hotmail.com Thanks, I think this website is
a fantastic idea and its good to get in touch with people who
you spent such fantastic, albeit difficult times with. Cheers,
May 23:
I am
Hendrik Hielkema from the netherlands. I was in
Kfar blum from 4-97 to 8-97
Heidi Juvonen was in kfar blum from 6-97 to 8-97
we met in kfar blum and fell in love, on 25-7-98 we got
married, we now have 2 children, 1 boy, elias, 21-12-98
and 1 girl Ida 28-01-01 greetings to all and good luck
with the website mail to,
Mayy 18 :Fiona McKenzie had an amazing kibbutz experience at Kfar Blum in 1995. One of three kiwi girls who called this place home for a few months. Wild Friday nights in the 'Boogie Room' and long, lazy bonfire evenings in the O'k Corral. Along with our dog 'Wylie' we came to know and love many volunteers and locals whom we have since lost touch with. If you remember me, or Jacqui Goodman "Give me some Vodka and red stuff" or Jenny Maher " Lama lo"?! drop me a line at g.f.matthews@clear.net.nz
May 11: E-mail Change: Judy Cherney New email jcherney@attbi.com (old e-mail- jcherney@rcsis.com )
May 11: Ira Blader - In KB in 1982-1983 (American Class) and 1985-1990 as a volunteer and when I was in the army. I now live in California with my wife of 6 years. Looking forward to hear from people. blader@stanford.edu
May 9: Jacqui Goodman New Zealand. Kfar Blum from January to April 1995. Worked as a chamber maid & waitress in the hotel. Traveled to KB with my friends Jenny Maher & Fiona McKenzie. Would love to hear from anyone I was there with. jacqui_goodman@amp.com.au
May 9: Ineke Kwint, Holland, on Kfar Blum first half of 1976 c.shaw@chello.nl (Jock Shaw)
May 8: Sarah Cates, Toronto, Canada (originally from Ottawa). I was a volunteer in the summer of 2001.My email is catessarah@hotmail.com.
May 3: Barbara Cramer (formerly Barbara Seidman) Volunteer from March to August, 1983, originally from New York, came to the Kibbutz from living in California, now living in Texas. cramerb@swbell.net
APRIL 2002
April 22: Johnny Wallman...Spent 4 years from may 1984 as member of Garin Nesher. SPENT 3 YEARS ON KFAR BLUM IN GARIN NESHER FROM MAY 1984.COMPLETING THE ARMY I MOVED TO TEL-AVIV BEFORE LEAVING ISRAEL IN 1989. Johnny.Wall@btinternet.com
April 20: Ronald Maas. Volunteer on Kfar Blum from May 1987 to May 1988. I am originally from Holland, but live now in Manchester, England. I am married with an English girl (Paula Gordon) who I met while I was on the Kibbutz. We've got 3 lovely boys and would love to hear from anyone who was on Kfar Blum while we were there. In particular we would like to hear from Emma, Sharon, Billy and George. My email is: ronald@dutchman.uk.vu .
April 10: Frances Newcombe (nee Schips) from Canada on the Kibbutz from 1968-1969 for ten months. fnewcombe@turbonet.com
April 8: Vincent CARRET and I've been in kfar blum from april 2000 to July 2000. I'm French from Lyon in France but currently in London. My email is carretvini@yahoo.fr
April 8: Mark Cohen (U and V) 1974
Tova Ben-David Cohen 1952 thru 1975 - Both of us can
be reached at
April 1: James N. Pritzker. I was in the Ulpan at Kfar Blum from June 1973 to January 1974. I have been back to Kfar Blum once since 1974 and to Israel several times. I recently retired from the Illinois Army National Guard after a total of 27 years service , U.S. Army, Army Reserves and the Guard. E-Mail is jamespritzker@tawani.com
April 1: Nigel Brown. Volunteer on Kfar Blum from Sept 1983- Aug 1984 and March 1985 - March 1986 ... I think!! I'm English & Australian now. nigelsimon@onetel.net.uk
MARCH 2002
March 22: Alex Suter
alexsuter@wanadoo.fr . Spent 2 very memorable stays
in Kfar Blum, Feb-May 1988 and then again in 1989. From South
Africa; now in Provence, France
March 22:
Hans Nederlof -
May & June 1980
March 20: Gary T. Bartkowiak gary_bartkowiak@mail.com on the Ulpan from Jan 1975 - March 1975. (By the way, have you heard of a Joelle Amsellum (Alteba - married name)
March 19: Olivia Linder, Munich, Germany, date: 8/99-10/99, email: olivialinder@web.de
March 19: Ales Tichopad, Prague, Czech republic, 8/99-10/99, email: alest@email.cz
March 17: - Claire Harris (now Clair May) Hi wanted to add my name to the Kfar Blum volunteers web-site. My uncle who lived on the Kibbutz for many years recently passed away (Menashe Ben-ari) and I was on this web site looking for e mail addresses of his family. I was a volunteer on Kfar Blum in I guess 1986 for four months. I now live in Canada. Claire Harris (now Claire May) maycm@mail.com
March 12: Thomas Rudd - E-mail mrtrudd@hotmail.com - When on Kfar Blum - July-August 1988 - From - London, England
March 1: Alan Ditchfield - DITCHTROLL@aol.com hi there just reached 40 years but still have happy memories of kfar blum in early 80s.looking for news of old mates fritz/marlene penders/melissa bloom/oscar thompson/keith and pete stevens/narda golan/the gordan and berman families etc etc.nice to hear from anyone who remembers me// alan. p.s 40 but still no wiser.
March 1: Sharon Nachimson Sharlex3@aol.com I taught French and Hebrew to the American class on Kfar Blum in the school year Sept. 1977-78. It was a most wonderful experience and if anyone remembers me, it would be nice to hear from them. Sharon Nachimson
Jan 25: Akiko Momose Feb 1999-May 1999, from Japan, amomose@hotmail.com
Jan 25: Martijn de Kruif February-April 1999. Living in Amsterdam Holland E-mail: mkruif@hotmail.com
Jan 6: Marko Padilla from Mexico. Kfar Blum working at the guest house and in the laundry, September to October 2000. thomgog@hotmail.com
Dec 23: Harri Pyykko June-August, 1996 from Helsinki, Finland. Email hpyykko@hotmail.com
Dec 21: Sue Robinson, Sept 1973 to March 1974 (one of the three Susan's there at the time.) I've lived in Ithaca, NY for the past 25 years srobinson@tompkins-co.org
Dec 18: Sonya Davis, October 1993 to December 1993, New Zealand redsonya55@hotmail.com
Dec 14: Yvonne Mechler, from Sydney, Australia, June 93 until Sept 94. yvonnealex@hn.ozemail.com.au
Dec 10: Mike Emanuel, mikee@hookstick.com from Habonim South Africa, Kfar Blum in 1989
Nov 30: Jeff Bubna, Kfar Blum, September 1979-April 1980; live in Chugiak, Alaska. Email address is BubnaJ@akrr.com
Nov 28: Roger Lurie - 1975-1976, Yellow Springs, Ohio, rduncanl@hotmail.com
Nov 24: John Nova Lomax jlomaxtx@earthlink.net, USA November 1993 to March 1994 with (my then-girlfriend-now-wife) Jacqueline Wallace
Nov 17: Patrick Lindgren Patrik_lindgren65@hotmail.com from Sweden. Otober 1987 to March 1988 and again, August 1988.
Nov 16: Carolina Hartman Hammer, first half of 1990, København, Denmark carolina.hartman@get2net.dk
Nov 15: Rebecca Richards, London, UK, July-September 1996 rebecca.richards@excite.com
Nov 15: Gail Konig, June 1974-May 1975, New York, Goldie1216@aol.com
Nov 14: Alessandra Daidone (Alex) from Brazil, March to June 1993. aledaidone@uol.com.br
Nov 13: Jay Vanni - September - December 1984 jvanni@pdigmtech.com
Nov 10 Andrew Feather - andrew.feather@ntlworld.com Dec 1971-Dec 1972 (Ulpan first six months); Nov 1973-July 1974; a little while in 1975. Living in Burwell, a village around 8 miles east of Cambridge, UK
Nov 5:
Elaine Feather (formerly
Elaine Lichten)
Sept 1973 to November 1973 & January 1974 to July 1974.
NOVEMBER 2001 Nov 17: Patrick
Lindgren Patrik_lindgren65@hotmail.com Nov 16: Carolina Hartman Hammer, first half of 1990, København, Denmark carolina.hartman@get2net.dk Nov 15: Rebecca
Richards, London, UK, July-September 1996 Nov 15: Gail Konig, June 1974-May 1975, New York, Goldie1216@aol.com Nov 14: Alessandra Daidone (Alex) from Brazil, March to June 1993. aledaidone@uol.com.br Nov 13: Jay Vanni - September - December 1984 jvanni@pdigmtech.com Nov 10 Andrew
Feather - :andrew.feather@ntlworld.com Nov 5: Elaine Feather (formerly Elaine Lichten) Elaine@feathers86.freeserve.co.uk Sept 1973 to November 1973 & January 1974 to July 1974. OCTOBER 2001
Oct 24: Leendert Holleman, March-July 1977, originally from Holland, now Belgium l.holleman@flamand.be Oct 20: Hanna Männikkö, Finland, Summer 1996 hanmanni@cc.jyu.fi Oct 16: Mark Millett, October 1993-January 1994. markmillett100@hotmail.com Oct 15: Leo Konigs - leo.konigs@xs4all.nl Volunteer: July & August 1980; November 1980 - june 1981; November 1982 - April 1984; May-November 1985. Oct 14: Allen Ozer Volunteer twice. (I have a distance relative on the kibbutz. His name is Yoram Fisher.) allenozer@aol.com Oct 14: Robert Brockway, early 1993 robert@timetraveller.org Oct 15: Marco Padilla, Summer 2000, Mexico thomgog@hotmail.com Oct 5: Jock Shaw, 1976-1977, Arnhem, Netherlands, c.shaw@chello.nl, Oct 5: Emilie Cameron. Feb to April, 1998. Vancouver, Canada, Emilie_cameron@hotmail.com Oct 3, Richard (Ricky) Phillip, Aug 1974- early,1975, London, England richard@firstconcept.com
Sept 25: Robin Sweeney (formerly Robin Addis). Volunteer April & May 1979, from Maryland, (USA) limbo@mailtag.com Sept 23: Patti Marquardt, October 1975 to May 1976. Originally from Baltimore MD; now living in Webster, NY, pmarquardt222@yahoo.com Sept. 22: Rosalind (Daufman)Luper, Ulpan, 1974-1975, from Reading, England rosluper@hotmail.com Sept. 21: Kirsty Grant, Volunteer, February to April 1998; from Melbourne, Australia. kirstygrant@hotmail.com Sept. 19: Jonathan Lloyd from England, volunteer, April-July 2001, jl22@ukc.ac.uk
September 10: Rosey Lynch - on Kfar Blum from November 1993 to February
1994. My email is rosiely@hotmail.com.
I'm from the UK and now live in London.
September 9: Stuart Boyle i was on Kfarblum at various times from 86- 89 stuartboyle@hotmail.com September 9: Jens Coster, Denmark. Hi I'm an ex-volunteer at kibbutz Kfar Blum. I was there in '93 and again in 95. JCO@vejlekom.dk September 7: Shelley Veal (formerly Shelley Homewood) from New Zealand; volunteer Sept. 1993 to Jan. 1994 & Aug. 1995 to Feb. 1996. Live in Papamoa, NZ shelleyveal@xtra.co.nz September 5:
Costello Lloyd, Manchester, England. Volunteer, Summer 2001,
Costello120@hotmail.co.uk AUGUST, 2001 Aug 26: Nehemia Levanon. Volunteer several occasions in 1980's. Originally from South Africa. Ended up marrying KB member Gaby Levanon, living in Zimbabwe at present! Korkylevanon@hotmail.com Aug 16 Gregory mckenna Ireland, March-July, 1985 . gmckenna@oceanfree.net Aug 12: Lindi
Rudnicki (nee Giger) shit_thames@yahoo.com Aug 4: Judy Cherney - jcherney@rcsis.com I was in the American Class in1972, but I also returned twice as a volunteer. The last time I was there the longest. Volunteer: 1/81 to 7/81 From: California. JULY, 2001
July 30: Ronny Levitan, rlevitan@is.co.za 1993, Johannesburg South Africa July 19: Martine Maron On Kfar Blum in 1990 with a group of Machonikim from Habonim South Africa. Barney Rod (z"l)was our group leader, and I was adopted by the Zive family (Mickey and Pnina.) I live in Yerushalalyim and can be contacted at martine.maron@mempile.com July 9: Yaron Gal Carmel. Ex-Kfar Blum Member. Living in Boston-area for past 12 years+ headoverheels@estart.com July 4: Niina Kouki (also known as Nina Kaeki) on Kfar Blum: 10/1993 - 02/1994, from: Hamina, Finland; now living Helsinki, Finland niina.kouki@amiedu.fi July 3: Andrew Reik Summer 1991. andyreik@aol.com Now London. JUNE, 2001 June 28: Fred
Stang and Claire Lorch (married) were at Kfar Blum from
October 1977 -May 1978 and again from March 1980 - June 1980. We live in
Chapel Hill, NC Fred's e-mail: fred@trianglecf.org June 23: Eva Vernon Dodell, originally from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada; now Rockville, Maryland. Third Workshop of Habonim, 1953-1954. (Married to Nate Dodell, from Bronx Habonim). nachyork@aol.com June 15: Maria Johnson, April-June 1997, now Sweden, Godis48@hotmail.com June 15: Stephen Nicholson, Feb-March 1997, Brisbane, Australia. stephen_nicolson@hotmail.com June 13: Richard Jablow, 1977-1978, erdrmd@aol.com June 11: Michael Bird, March-July 1998, South Africa; now Scotland otmscot@aol.com June 7: Jiu(Jiu-Hyung You), Korea; Oct-Dec 2000 E-mail: godzoo@daum.net June 2: Dov Ben – Yaacov, Garin Kfir – 1985 – 1987; Now lives in Jerusalem Dov@benyaacov.com (link to www.geeboosh.com) June 2: Tom Wolper, Garin Kfir 1985-86, member 1986-91, Pittsburgh PA, tom.wolper@mindspring.com June 1: Roger Flaum, 1975-1976, NY, USA, quirks1@yahoo.com MAY 2001
May 28: Donna Maller, (Donna Maller-Dawson) 1975-76, Volunteer, USA, DonnaSue10@aol.com May 27: Dennis Maller, 1975-1976, Volunteer, USA denny@tye-in.com May 22: John (Yonathan) Hunt, 1968-1969 Volunteer and ulpanist Email brother_rocklizard@yahoo.com May 20: Morten Sorensen- Nov 1988 - Sept 1989. Blovstrod, Denmark. (Married ex Amer. classnik, Lisa Walcoff) Live in the U.S soren@erols.com APRIL 2001 April 25: Alex Thomson - Scotland. August 97- April 1998. TThms551@aol.com April 16: Mark Born, 1995-1996 from ??? shavixmir@hotmail.com April 15: Jakob Mohrsen Kjaer, Silkeborg, Denmark, May-July 1996. mohrsen@hotmail.com April 11: Oskar Nordström F0ONm@utb.nassjo.se 2/2000-5/2000, from ??? April 8: Mark & Mia Stackpool from Sydney, Australia. November 1986 - April 1987..met Marie (Mia) Engelholm from Sweden stackpool@hotline.net.au MARCH, 2001 March 31: Carl-Magnus Forsberg, Stockholm, Sweden. Feb-Aug 1987 & July 1988. carl-magnus.forsberg@capanova.se or charlesmagnus@hotmail.com . March 29: Ian Roxburgh Hammerzrox@aol.com - Sept-Oct 1980. From London, England; now live in Lancashire, England March 29: Hellen Gemser, Alkmaar, Nederland 8/21999 to 1/15/2000 helenahot71@hotmail.com March 19: Jim Barlow, Gilroy, California, near San Jose, and my email is jim@soilweb.com Ulpan class of October 1970 to May of 1971 March 18: Neil Humpage, from England. November 1995 to May 1996; March 1997 until September 1997. neil.humpage@virgin.net
March 17: Lila Lebowitz , New York, May 1974-Sept 1974 March 16: Shane Kelsey - USA, Summer 1991 (7 weeks) shanekelsey@msn.com March 15: Kathy O'Hara, Buffalo, NY, April - August 1973
(V); March 11: Lene Hammer Sørensen , April-July 1997, Denmark, hammerlene@hotmail.com March 9: Mikko Kuikka, Finland, June-September 1998, mikko.kuikka@pp.inet.fi March 7: Matty Suthers, England, June-Dec 1997tarq440@excite.com March 2: June Derlachter, somewhere in 1993 for a few months. rubenandjune@hotmail.com FEBRUARY, 2001 Feb 27: Ralph Levy, 1964-65 & 1967-68. Kansas City, MO, USA, rlevy@swbell.net Feb 21: Caroline White - England; Feb 1999, for 8 months+; then summer 2000 carpetcal@hotmail.com Feb 20: Lee Resnick, Glen Rock, NJ - July/Aug 1981 lsrdbr@aol.com Feb 18: Vince Stendardo, Vancouver, Canada, Feb 1993-May, 1993, supercoolking@hotmail.com Feb 17: Malene Madsen, Denmark, Sept 1993-Nov 1993, Feb 14: Benizri Riina riina.benizri@kesko.fi Finland - 1998 Feb 5: Johnny Wallman, Garin Nesher, on Kfar Blum from May 1984 till 1987, johnny.wall@btinternet.com . Feb 4: Tahnee McGuire, Australia, 1993-1994, tahnee@pacific.net.au Feb 1: Frits Craandijk Currently Switzerland but used to live in Holland. Sept 1982-July 1983 & Jan 1984-July 1984 frits_craandijk@hotmail.com Feb 1: John Lomax (from Texas) & Jacqueline Wallace (from Preston, Lancs) Nov 1993 to Feb 1994 jlomaxtx@earthlink.net JANUARY, 2001 Jan 25: Leone Daniele -Italy-Florida, July -Aug 1996 Aosta77@aol.com Jan 24: Kwon Han-jo, South Korea, Sept-Nov 1998 hanjoya@hanmail.net Jan 18: Jeff Black, Sept 1981-July 1982; April 1983- Feb1984, London, THEANGLIZIE@HOTMAIL.COM Jan 13: Neil Roberts, 1983-1984 neil.roberts1@tinyworld.co.uk Jan 12: John Wender, From ??, Sept '77 to April '78 johnwender@yahoo.com Jan 12: Nicole Neville, South Africa, May 1999-July 1999 nicole@ftechpmb.co.za Jan 11: Nikki Silverman, London, England, Aug 1993-July 1994 nikki.silverman@marketing-options.com Jan 4: Raymond O' Grady, Ireland?, June 1982 to Jan 1983 stephen.r@unison.ie Jan 2: Jo Shooman, Leeds, UK Summer 1993 or 1994 jo@ytsuv.fsnet.co.uk Jan 1: Marjan Kesteloo from Holland 1982 & 1983. marjan_k@dds.nl DECEMBER, 2000
Dec 29: Sherrill Margalit (formerly Neate) 5/1989-10/1990, London; married KBer sherrillmargalit@hotmail.com. Dec 26: Daniel Ravasz, 1990/1991 from Hungary/Germany, currently in Switzerland. danrav@lycos.com Dec 22: Joakim Peimer 7/1998 to 9/1998 & 3/2000 to 6/2000 jockepeimer@hotmail.com Dec 11: Roger Beck, 7/1970-10/1970, Il, USA cfrbb@ux1.cts.eiu.edu Dec 10: Corine de Vries 9/1999 -2/2000, from Holland - fieni77@hotmail.com Dec 6:Stu Brandhandler 7/75 thru 4/76 (Ulpan), USA stubrand@yahoo.com . Dec 5: Tom Hill 7/1975 to 1/1976, USA Ulpan THill@co.monroe.pa.us Dec 4: Markus 6/1999-9/1999 - Cologne, Germany Markus.z@gmx.de Dec 2: Paul Duke: 9/1999 to Nov 1999, from Sydney, Australia rockpig1@yahoo.com.au Dec 1: Christina Benitez: 9/1999 to 11/1999; from Colombia currently live in Japan. mcflaca@hotmail.com Dec. 1: Liesbeth Koenderink: 9/1999 to 12/1999 from Holland - liesbethkoenderink@hotmail.com NOVEMBER, 2000 Nov 29: Rory Gardner, South Africa. February- June 1992 roryg@cashandcarry.co.za Nov 26: Karl Trausti kallite@simnet.is April-June 1990, from Iceland Nov 25: Roland Garner RGarner@lgc.com Nov 25: Ross Clayton ross.clayton@marston.co.uk |
Most people who "signed up" in September, October and November 2000 are unfortunately, NOT listed on this page. Their names are ONLY listed in the sections, "Country of Origin" and the "Decade they were on Kfar Blum." |