WashPostBestsellers |
September 29 - October 5
(October 7) on C-Span2 Book World: Mearsheimer & Walt (and also ADL's Abe Foxman) Mearsheimer
and Walt's appearance at Politics and Prose (9am and 7pm).
ADL's Abe Foxman at 10 pm )
Atlantic Monthly's Jeffrey Goldberg, The New Republic "The Usual
Suspect" - "Mearsheimer
and Walt's The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy is not an act of
scholarship, but an act of anti-Semitic intimidation"
The Forward - Mearsheimer & Walt "The Israel Lobby" -Foreign Language
Translations and European Speak Tour "...The authors are embarking on a
European visit next month, with speaking engagements scheduled at prestigious
universities and think-tanks in Amsterdam, Berlin, Paris, Vienna and London. In
London, they will also have an event at the House of Lords."
Video - John Mearsheimer on The Colbert Report, 10/2
Gal Beckerman, Columbia Journalism Review "The Israel Lobby Doesn't Control the Media"
Amitai Etzioni - "Small Lies, big lies, and the Israeli Lobby"
Daniel Levy's Haaretz Review of Walt-Mearsheimer (and Blog preamble)
Milton Viorst Reviews Mearsheimer and Walt
Andrew Silow-Carroll, New Jersey Jewish News "Give me a P, give me an A, give me
a C..
Geoffrey Wheatcraft, UK Guardian Review of Mearsheimer
September 22-29
Leslie Gelb, NY Times Book Review (9/23)
Full-page New York Times Ad for Mearsheimer & Walt's "The Israel Lobby"
Leonard Fein "Sheer Recklessness" - re Mearsheimer-Walt's "The Israel Lobby"
The Economist (UK) "America's Pro-Israel Lobby: Powerful but not that Powerful"
Jeff Jacoby, Boston Globe "The Big Lie About The Great Silencer
Cleveland Plain Dealer reports on Mearsheimer-Walt's talk to Cleveland Club
Case Western Reserve's The Observer account of Mearsheimer-Walt's talk
at Case
The UK Spectator (UK) -Jonathan Mirsky - The Israel Lobby & US Foreign Policy
Slate/Ron Rosenbaum - The Israel Lobby and the Second Holocaust Debate
September 15-22
Foreign Policy Magazine online "Seven Questions: The Israel Lobby Revisited" -
Q&A with Walt & Mearsheimer
Los Angeles Times - Mearsheimer and Walt and the Israel Question - Highlights
from the Israel Lobby authors' visit to the editorial board
Dallas Morning News - Mearsheimer and Walt - Excerpts from Editorial Board
Michael Gerson, Washington Post oped "Seeds of Anti-Semitism"
Scott McLemee - Newsday Review
Andrew Silow Carrol, New Jersey Jewish News - Israel's Secret? It's Nothing Special
Victor Hanson: Looking for Scapegoat, World Again Turns to Jews
Eric Fingerhut, Washington Jewish Week- Mearsheimer/Walt talk at 'Politics and Prose'
AJC's David Harris/Jerusalem Post "Europeans' America Problem"
Michael Lerner/Tikkun (Sept-Oct 2007) "The Israel Lobby"
The Guardian (UK) - Ed Pilkington - Review/Interview with Walt-Mearsheimer
New Statesman US Editor, New Statesman "Saying the Unsayable"
George Hishmeh - Waking Up Slowly
Times' Tony Karon Blog "Despite Backlash, Many Jews are Questioning Israel
MJ Rosenberg - Dershowitz Demands Obama Fire Brzezinski!
MJ Rosenberg/Haaretz -It's Lobbying but is it really pro-Israel?
The UK Independent by Independent Washington Correspondent, Leonard Doyle
Harvard Professor, J Lorand Matory, Crimson, "Israel and Censorship at Harvard
September 7-14
George Shultz, US News and World Report (9/9) 'The Israel Lobby Myth'
JTA's Ron Kampeas Q&A with Walt-Mearsheimer
ZOA on Walt-Mearsheimer "US Supports Israel because of Americans, Not Lobby"
Los Angeles Times - Tim Rutten (9/12) "Israel's Lobby as Scapegoat"
Steve Huntley, Chicago Sun Times (9/7) "Unfair Charge vs Israeli Lobby"
Charles Taylor, Bloomberg Review "Deceitful Academics Spin Paranoid Fantasy
of Pro-Israel Lobby"
Richard Cohen - Washington Post (9/11) "Rationalizing Israel Out of Existence)
Washington Times "The Best of Friends" (9/11- by Robert VerBruggen, Assistant
Book Editor, Washington Times)
Townhall 's Nathan Tabor "The Price of Friendship"
Ex-CIA Philip
Giraldi "Kissinger: Realist or Neocon?"
Ex-Ambassador Danny Ayalon - Jerusalem Post (9/7)
Seth Gitel/NY Sun
(9/10) re Foxman book re Mearsheimer
AJC's Ken Stern - When All Else Fails: The Israel Lobby
MJ Rosenberg (9/7) Huffington Post "It's Lobbying, but is it really pro-Israel?
MJ Rosenberg - IPF
Friday (9/7)
NJDC to Moran: Retract
AIPAC Statements
Blog article re Different Countries Cover of Mearsheimer Walt
Engel Dissappointed
by Ford Foundation Forum for Mearsheimer (9/10)
Harvard Crimson Book
Review (10/10)
Michael Smerconish/Philadelphia Inquirer (9/9) "Head Strong-'Anti-Semitic'
label Curbs Talk about Israel"
James Abourezk - California Literary Review
Richard Ingrams/UK Independent (9/9) "It's About Time Someone Spoke Out"
September 1 - Sept 7
NY Times, William Grimes (9/6) "A Prosecutorial Brief Against Israel and Its Supporters"
Wall Street Journal oped by Jeff Robbins :Anti-Semitism and the Israel Lobby"
Jim Besser - NY Jewish Week - (9/7)Walt, Mearsheimer And The Gibson Factor
Ira Forman- NY Jewish Week - Misreading The Power Of The ‘Lobby’
Lenny Ben David, National Review online (9/4) "Echoing the Moans of Anti-Israel
Commentary Magazine's Gabriel Schoenfeld Blog "The Peculiar Fantasies" of
Mearsheimer and Walt
Wall Street Journal re Mearsheimer and Walt at a jam-packed “Politics and Prose”
(September 5)
Los Angeles Jewish Journal - Editor in Chief, Rob Eshman "Jew-Baiting"
ADL's Glen Lewy and Abe Foxman oped, Jewish Standard, New Jersey "A Fragile Time
for our People"
CAMERA - Alex Safian - Mearsheimer’s Blunder
Yale's David Bromwich Huffington Post (9/4) - Iraq-Israel-Iran
U-Cal Irvine, Professor Mark Levine "No, it's the dog that wags the tail"
Jeff Barak/Ynet Reviews Abe Foxman's The Deadliest Lies
George Friedman, Stratfor " The Israel Lobby in U.S. Strategy - (9/4)
Mark Silva Baltimore Sun/Chicago Tribune reports on Politics and Prose
The American Thinker - Rick Rehman (9/4) "Walt, Mearsheimer and the Peace Process"
Jacob Laskin Front Page Magazine "Israel Lobby Redux" (9/4)
Middle East Studies Association (MESA) Letter re Mearsheimer-Walt/Chicago Talk
Max Hastings - London Sunday Times (9/2) Review of Mearsheimer
Time Magazine's Tony Karon (9/2) re Walt Mearsheimer
Philip Weiss/Mondo Weiss "A Hot Time in the Capital Last Night (re Politics and Prose)
Another report of Politics and Prose appearance via Philip Weiss/Mondoweiss
MondoWeiss 8/20 "Serious. Cold. Stunning. Walt and Mearsheimer Arrive in Hard Covers"
Philip Weiss "The Jungle, Silent Spring, Unsafe at Any Speed' - And Now, 'The Israel Lobby'
Stephen Walt NPR (9/4) Fresh Air
ADL's Abe Foxman, NPR Fresh Air (9/4)
Audio -Walt & Mearsheimer - NPR’s
On Point (Dennis Ross and
Aaron Miller were call-in guests.)
August 24-31
David Remnic, New Yorker
Dimitri Simes,
Kemp,Halper, Fishman - National Interest Online
New York Sun, Ira Stoll 8/28
"Professors Fail To Clean Up Their Act'
Jerusalem Post 8/31- Editor's Note "Jeopardizing American Interests
Ben Fishman, The Washington Institute
AFP - 8/30 "New Book Challenges US Support for Israel"
Jerusalem Post 8/27 - "Israel, AIPAC won't parry Walt-Mearsheimer Book"
GeorgeShultz | StandWithUsFlyers |
ConferenceofPresidents |
ADL I | ADL II | NYSunArticles | StandWithUsFlyer |
HarvardPaper | LondonReview | SettinRecordStraigh |
Commentaries on "The Israel
Lobby and US Foreign Policy"
For Mearsheimer and Walt's
Response to their Critics, London
Review of Books, May 11, 2006
Paige Austin,
Grabbing the Third Rail, Interview with John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt,
Mother Jones, July
18, 2006
Michael Massing, Storm over the
Israel Lobby, New York Review of Books, June 8, 2006
Alexander Coburn,
The Row Over the
Israel Lobby, Counterpunch, May 8, 2006
Norman Solomon,
Opening the Debate on Israel, Baltimore Sun, May 7, 2006
Philip Weiss, Ferment
Over "The Israel Lobby, The Nation, May 15, 2006
Norman Finkelstein,
The Israel Lobby:
It's Not Either/Or, Counterpunch, May 1, 2006
Molly Ivins,
Let's call
the Israel lobby the Israel lobby, Working for Change, April 26, 2006
Uri Avnery,
Who's the Dog, Who's the Tail, Gush Shalom, April 24, 2006
Paul Findley,
Study Shows Undue Israeli Influence on U.S. Policy., Springfield (Ill)
Journal-Register, April 19, 2006
Tony Judt,
A Lobby Not a Conspiracy,
New York Times, April 19, 2006
Juan Cole,
Breaking the Silence: The Overwrought Response to John Mearsheimer and Stephen
Walt's Brave Paper Only Confirms Its Thesis, Salon, April 18, 2006
Adla Massoud,
A harsh light on America's Israel lobby,
Aljazeera.Net, April 13, 2006
Eric Alterman,
AIPAC's Complaint,
The Nation, April 13, 2006
Edward Peck, Of
Course There Is an Israel Lobby, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, April 6,
Paul Findley,
United States Must Address Control of Its Middle East Policies by the Israeli
Lobby, Common Dreams, March 30, 2006
Alan Finder,
Essay Stirs Debate About Influence of a Jewish Lobby, New York Times,
April 12, 2006
Rupert Cornwell,
At last, a debate on America's support for Israel,
The Independent, April 7,2006
Jay Lindsay,
Academics' Paper on 'Israel Lobby' Blasted,
The Associated Press, April 5, 2006
Joshua Holland, "Harvard Takes on the Israel Lobby,"
AlterNet, April 4, 2006
Mark Mazower,
When vigilance undermines freedom of speech,
Financial Times, April 3 2006
Peter Beaumont,
Editor hits back over Israel row,
The Observer, April 2 2006
Julian Borger,
US professors accused of being liars and bigots over essay on pro-Israeli lobby,
The Guardian, March 31, 2006
Nicholas Goldberg.
Who's afraid of the 'Israel Lobby'?,
The Los Angeles Times, March 26,2006
Jefferson Morley,
Global Divide on Israel Lobby Study,
Washington Post, March 31, 2006
Charles A. Radin,
'Israel lobby' critique roils academe,
The Boston Globe, March 29, 2006
Ori Nir, "Professor Says American Publisher Turned Him Down,"
Forward, March 24, 2006
Shmuel Rosner,
Harvard to remove official seal from anti-AIPAC 'working paper',
Haaretz, March 23, 2006
A warning from America,
Haaretz, March 23, 2006
Tom Regan, "Study
Alleges US Sets Aside Its Own Security Interests for Israel's," Christian
Science Monitor, March 21, 2006
Alan Dershowitz,
A reply to the Mearsheimer Walt "Working Paper," posted on the Kennedy
School of Government Harvard University website, April 6, 2006
Noam Chomsky,
The Israel Lobby?, Znet Magazine, March 28, 2006
Joseph Massad,
Blaming the lobby,
Al-Ahram Weekly, March 23-29, 2006
Negative News Items and Commentaries
Eliot A. Cohen,
"Yes, It's Anti-Semitic",
Washington Post, April 5, 2006
see reply by Richard Cohen,
No, It's Not Anti-Semitic, Washington Post, April 25, 2006
David Gergen,
An unfair attack,
News & World Report, April 3, 2006.
Josef Joffe,
Walt and Mearsheimer: Anti-American,
The New
Republic Online, April 4, 2006
Martin Peretz,
Surveying the Israel Lobby: Oil and Vinegar,
The New
Republic Online, March 30, 2006
Max Boot,
Policy analysis -- paranoid style,
Angeles Times, March 29,2006
Op Ed,
Of Israel, Harvard and David Duke,
The Washington Post, March 26, 2006
Daniel Levy,
So pro-Israel that it hurts,
Haaretz, March 25, 2006
Meghan Clyne, Kalb
Upbraids Harvard Dean Over Israel,
New York Sun, March 24, 2006
Nathan Guttman,
AIPAC study is ignorant propaganda,
The Jerusalem Post, March 22, 2006
Ruth Weiss,
Israel Lobby,
Street Journal, March 22,2006
Meghan Clyne,
Harvard's Paper on Israel Called 'Trash' By Solon,
New York Sun, March 22, 2006
Meghan Clyne,
A Harvard School Distances Itself from Dean's Paper,
New York Sun, March 22, 2006
Alex Safian,
Study Decrying “Israel Lobby” Marred by Numerous Errors,
CAMERA, March 20, 2006
George Shultz, US News and World Report (9/9) oped 'The Israel Lobby Myth'
George Shultz- Intro to Abe Foxman's 'The Deadliest Lies'
NY Times, William Grimes (9/6) "A Prosecutorial Brief Against Israel and Its
Wall Street Journal oped by Jeff Robbins :Anti-Semitism and the Israel Lobby"
Ira Forman- NY Jewish Week - Misreading The Power Of The ‘Lobby’
Lenny Ben David, National Review online (9/4) "Echoing the Moans of Anti-Israel Ghosts"
New York Sun, Ira Stoll 8/28
"Professors Fail To Clean Up Their Act'
Jerusalem Post 8/31- Editor's Note "Jeopardizing American Interests
Dore Gold/JCPA
Fishman, The Washington Institute